Stephan manages and ramps up a $bn inbound program with focus on cost optimization through vertical integration at Amazon.

Before, he worked as a managing consultant at IBM, where he advised Forbes 500 companies with respect to driving speed and efficiency of business decisions through leveraging of advanced analytics practices such as modeling, predictive analytics, and optimization.

Stephan engaged customers across all sectors and industries, including automotive, banking, financial services, human resources, IT, and retail.

For a detailed assignment list please reach out.

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Stephan holds a Ph.D. in quantitative finance from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

Stephan is continuously engaged as a lecturer in mathematical studies and statistical related fields.

He published several articles regarding retail investor behavior and statistical algorithms in different journals and conference proceedings, and presented his research at several international conferences and seminars.

Stephan also holds a diploma in mathematical economics from University of Karlsruhe. During his studies he focused on financial mathematics, applied informatics, and information management.

Research Articles

Retail Investor Information Demand - Speculating and Investing in Structured Products

Sebastian Schroff, Stephan Meyer, Hans-Peter Burghof

European Journal of Finance, 2015, forthcoming

We study the impact of retail investor information demand on trading in bank-issued investment and leverage structured products, which are specifically designed for retail investors. Stock-specific information demand positively predicts speculative trading activity. Further, we find a positive relationship between market-wide information demand and order aggressiveness and order uncertainty for speculating and investing activity. Whereas information supply is associated with speculative long positions, information demand does not induce investors to be predominantly long or short. Finally, we do not find retail investor information demand to contribute to an upward price pressure on security prices. In contrast, information supply exerts negative price pressure. Overall, retail investor trading in individual stocks is much more strongly influenced by market-wide information instead of firm-specific information demand. This implies a low informational efficiency of retail investor speculation and investing activity.

International Stock Market Comovement and News

Markus Hoechstoetter, Stephan Meyer, Andreas Storkenmaier, Ryan Riordan

Journal of Financial Research, 2014

We explore how news comovement drives a portion of stock return comovement using the Thomson Reuters international business news database. We develop a measure of news comovement similar in design to a well-known measure of stock return comovement and find that news helps explain country-level stock market comovement. Our results are novel in that we find that more news comovement is related to higher stock market comovement. The explanatory power of news comovement is found to be particularly strong in countries that have low total market capitalization, are more corrupt, and have lower accounting standards.

(Un)skilled Leveraged Trading of Retail Investors

Stephan Meyer, Sebastian Schroff, Christof Weinhardt

Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, 2013

We study the trading behavior of retail investors in the market of leveraged bank-issued retail derivatives designed to trade excessively, speculate and gamble on ongoing trends and market movements. We analyze whether retail investors have private information and benefit disproportionately or whether they gamble. We answer this question along three dimensions: (i) profitability, (ii) news trading, and (iii) sensitivity to implicit trading costs. We distinguish derivatives by the type of underlying (index vs. individual stocks). We find that raw returns are negative for derivatives with stock as underlying, and only partially positive for those with index as underlying. Nevertheless, risk-adjusted returns show a poor performance with sharpe ratios below one. We show that retail investors are attracted by news, but do not have private information prior to news events. Finally, we categorize investors according to their sensitivity to implicit trading costs. We find that non-sensitive investors perform worse than sensitive investors.

Politically Motivated Taxes in Financial Markets: The Case of the French Financial Transaction Tax

Stephan Meyer, Martin Wagener, Christof Weinhardt

Journal of Financial Services Research, 2013

This paper studies the effects of the introduction of the French financial transaction tax in August 2012. With the tax, the French government aims to generate revenues for financing the burdens of the financial crisis and to curb short-term trading. We find that the financial transaction tax has a strong impact on trading intensity and liquidity supplier behavior. Trading volume decreases by about one-fifth compared to the pre-event period. While liquidity suppliers reduce the number of quote and price updates and post less volume at best prices, there is no evidence that spreads increase. Our results suggest that policy makers need to be well aware of the links between tax design and investor behavior, before introducing a financial transaction tax.

Retail Investor Behavior and Financial Retail Products

Hans-Peter Burghof, Caroline Koch, Stephan Meyer, Sebastian Schroff

Credit and Capital Markets, 2014

Intelligente Datenverarbeitung mit PROC IML

Felix Fritz, Stephan Meyer, Christof Weinhardt

Proceedings of the 18th Konferenz der SAS Anwender in Forschung und Entwicklung, Shaker Verlag GmbH, 2014

SAS/IML bietet seit den 80er Jahren mit mehr als 300 Funktionen eine umfangreiche Bibliothek zur statistischen Programmierung in SAS. In diesem Paper zeigen wir die Vorteile von SAS/IML im Vergleich zu klassischen DATA Steps an einem einfachen finanzwirtschaftlichen Beispiel auf. Ziel dabei ist die Berechnung einer Liquiditätskennzahl für Aktien mit Hilfe von SAS/IML Features, wie beispielsweise Vektor-Operationen, Data Loop, oder Sortierungsroutinen. Wir veranschaulichen dabei, dass neben einer einfachen Programmierung auch die Performance bei SAS/IML überzeugt.

Trading in Structured Products: Investor Behavior and Pricing Policies

Stephan Meyer

KIT Scientific Publishing, 2014

This thesis studies both issuing investment banks and investors in the market for structured products. I analyze whether issuers exploit investor ignorance and whether investors benefit from this new market segment. My findings suggest that issuers use their exclusive position to increase their rents on the expense of retail investors. The degree of exploitation varies strongly between product types and issuers. Examining retail investor trades in short term speculation products reveals that investors do not perform well in general and have, on average, no informational advantage. (Non-)profitability is driven to a large extent by transaction costs. Analyzing retail investor trades with respect to the risk incurred reveals a poor investment on average. Investors expose themselves, i.e. their wealth, to great risk in order to realize potential profits.

Modellierung von Optionspreisen mit PROC FCMP

Felix Fritz, Stephan Meyer, Christof Weinhardt

Proceedings of the 17th Konferenz der SAS Anwender in Forschung und Entwicklung, Shaker Verlag GmbH, 2013

In diesem Artikel zeigen wir, wie SAS eingesetzt werden kann, um Methoden zur Optionspreismodellierung mithilfe von PROC FCMP zu implementieren. Wir nutzen eine ad-hoc Erweiterung des gängigen Black-Scholes Optionspreismodell zur Bewertung beliebiger Derivate. Wir erhalten den dafür notwendigen Voltilitätsparameter implizit aus gehandelten EUREX Optionen. Dabei verdeutlichen wir, welche SAS Funktionen nötig sind und welche Probleme auftreten können.

Bepreisungsverhalten am deutschen Zertifikatemarkt,

Hans-Peter Burghof, Stephan Meyer, Sebastian Schroff, Christof Weinhardt

Zeitschrift fuer das gesamte Kreditwesen, 2013

Angesichts seiner Flexibilität für unterschiedliche Marktphasen und individuelle Anlegerpräferenzen sehen die Autoren im Zertifikatemarkt eine sinnvolle Ergänzung zur traditionellen Geldanlage in Aktien und Anleihen. Aus ihrer Sicht begründet dieser erweiterte Marktzugang für Privatanleger indirekt durchaus einen Preis in Form einer Produktmarge. Wie hoch diese Prämie für Privatanleger ausfallen darf, halten sie aufgrund einer mangelnden Transparenz allerdings für kaum einsehbar und nur durch komplexe finanzmathematische Modelle ermittelbar. Um die Attraktivität des grundsätzlich positiv bewerteten Zertifikatemarktes für den Privatanleger weiter zu erhöhen, plädieren sie für transparentere Strukturen im Sinne einer verbesserten Informationspolitik.(Red.)

Honors and Awards

IBM Service Excellence Award 2014

Received a global award for outstanding business consulting services

KSFE 2014 2. Best Paper Award

Received the award at the German SAS practitioners conference for the paper called Intelligente Datenverarbeitung mit PROC IML

KSOS Dissertation Scholarship

Received a scholarship from the Karlsruhe School of Services (KSOS), covering living and travel expenses during a Ph.D.

KHYS Travel Scholarship

Received a travel and living scholarship from the Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists (KHYS), covering all expenses when living abroad during the Ph.D.

Hackathon Winner 2012

Won a 24 hour coding contest in Karlsruhe around the topic "apartment-sharing"

Learn more

SAS Base/MARCO/GRAPH/ETS/FCMP/IML/OR, SAS Enterprise Guide, SAS Enterprise Miner, SPSS Modeler, SPSS Statistics, R.


Data Mining, Predictive Analytics, Mathematical Modeling, Time Series Analysis, Regression Models, Classification, Segmentation, Clustering.